
ラングリッチ191,192 StandardAct5

Standard textbook Ch.1 Act.5

家族についての話。婚約者と一緒に住んでいて今年結婚する予定らしい。でもchurch wedding is expensive.なのでcivil weddingで検討中だとか。フィリピンみたいなキリスト教国はみんな教会で式をやるのかと思ってたけどそうでもないみたい。

I want to speak more spontaneously, so I practice more and harder!


I'm happily married. *more common in America  "I'm married happily."でも間違いではない。
I applied for a marriage license/registration. 婚姻届を提出した。
I'm the middle child.
My sister is one year older than me, while my brother is three years younger than me.
My parents live far from Tokyo.

I gave birth to my first child normally. / I delivered my first child normally.
Since my second daughter was in a breech presentation, I had a Cesarean section.
Cesarean section is easier for me than to deliver a child normally because I had an anesthesia.

naughty 言うことを聞かない、やんちゃな

Optometrist 視力検査医
Ophthalmologist 眼科医
Optometrist is more specialized than Ophthalmologist. Optometrists conduct surgery on the eyes.
While ophthalmologists don't conduct surgery in the eyes.って先生は言ってたけど、辞書の日本語訳だと逆?

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