
ラングリッチ199 IELTS対策

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IELTS Speaking対策 Part1

録音を聞き返してみるとちっともfluentではないし、文法ではI am come from..とか言っちゃってたからなぁ。

Warm-upとHometown or birth placeの2トピック終了。

(1) How fluent and understandable your answer is;
 -Your answer is just understandable.
(2) The range and accuracy of vocabulary you use;
 -It's okay. In your sentences, you have more appropriate words.
 *There are a lot of words in English that you can use. But there is this appropriate word for suited for the right word for the particular situation so that it can be understood easily.
(3) The range and accuracy of grammatical forms you use;
 -Some of the grammers are not so noticed. Next time, we will be a little bit careful of the grammer.
(4) Your pronunciation.
 -There is no problem.

reign 統治
appropriate : right words to use in that situation 適切な

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