VOA 2. (Health) Health Risks in a Crowd: Not What You May Think
今日も発音をたくさん直された。この先生には特にshort o soundをよく注意される。記事に関する意見を述べるところではまだまだ語彙力不足とそれによる作文能力不足。
VOA 3. (US) Amelia Earhart: First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic Alone
VOA 8. (Sci/Tech) Exploring the Mysteries of Epilepsy
フィリピンではPopeのことはSanto Papaというそうな。キリスト教の用語はスペイン語が多いらしい。
The people in a big crowd don't feel comfortable and they are very rowdy and noisy and out of control.
*rowdy means disorderly person or a rough person
the Lunar New Year : Chinese Calendar, Gregorian calendar
stampede : a big crowd or group of people who are having a common impulse; cause to run in panic 殺到する、集団暴走すること
migraine : severe headache 偏頭痛 ex)I have a migraine.[ai][ei]
choke points means a place for a short stop *choke 窒息する
Pope : Santo Papa 教皇
rock concert *short o sound
doctors - dah'k'ters *short o sound
lacerations : an injury or a wound or opening in the skin caused by an injury or wound 裂傷
exhaustion : tired; wear out completely 疲労
lead author
problems *short o sound
heat stroke
narrow passages 狭い通路
agitated (agitate) : caused to move with violence or sudden force; to upset or disturb 激しくかき乱す、扇動する
creating conditions
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