University lecturers are now able to put their lectures on the internet for students to read and so the importance of attending face to face lectures has been reduced.
Do you believe the use of the Internet informal education is a good idea? What future effects will the internet have on academic study?
Combination essay : opinionated + effects
-future effects
Score 7.0との高評価。大分慣れてきた感はあるけど、synonymsをもっと使いましょうと。
add more synonyms
lecture : class, lesson, discourse
students : learners, scholars *pupil – grade school, not for university students
actual lecture : face to face lectureこの前受けたIELTSのWritingが5.5だったと報告。Task1がいまいちで、Task2でも文法ミスあったかもと言うと、あとは語彙や表現がsimpleだったからかもねと。
Your vocabulary is too simple.
Examiners wanted to see more advanced vocabulary.
everytime and everywhere they want
-->according to their availability
face to face communication
-->actual education
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