
レアジョブ27 IELTS Speaking


IELTSのSpeaking対策をお願いしたんだけど、単にテスト形式に則ったロールプレイングではなく、 Compare or Contrastの練習をした。similarityとdifferenceをnotやlessを使って表現してみようと。
Express yourself!
Questions/Topics for practice:
1. An online class to a traditional class
2. A good boss and a bad boss
3. Is it better to eat meals at home or in the restaurants?
4. Is it more enjoyable to watch movies at home or in the cinema?
5. Is it better to study English in your own country or in an English-speaking country?
Points to consider:
> WHY - reason/s why are you showing the difference of the items/characters
> WHAT - what aspects are you (comparing) contrasting
> HOW - how will you compare the items/characters, consider the structure.

compare directly by using certain phrases such as...
there's no difference between ...
there's little to choose between ...
they're much the same ...
to tell the difference ...
to tell apart ...
as against ...
in contrast to ...
on the other hand...

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